Activist San Diego is an information, communications and mobilization organization networking for social justice. Through the Activist Center, the Internet, media and educational programs, ASD links volunteers with community organizations and facilitates the growth of grassroots efforts to grow a progressive movement for social change.
Meet our Board Members
Our Mission
1) COMMUNITY CALENDAR: Our front page calendar is visible to the public and includes all events shared to it from Progressive Activist Organizations in San Diego. Our calendar can be shared on the website of the sponsoring organization, linked to pages about a presenter, linked to maps of the location and linked to full page information fliers for the event. Distribution is timely, there is no printing costs or printing delays and no postage to pay!
2) FLIER DISTRIBUTION: Progressive organizations can get their fliers to their members in a timely fashion and not burn up gas or funds for postage. Other organizations and individuals can download copies of fliers. Email messages can have links to the online locations where the flier has been posted.
3) NETWORKING, COALITION BUILDING AND MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT: No more meetings where time is taken up writing down the names of other people and organizations. No more reinventing the wheel for each activity. Using Activist San Diego as your central clearinghouse for progressive organizations and activities will make your base-building or coalition-building much more effective. Organized directories of service, progressive and activist organizations will facilitate networking and coalition building.
4) NEW MEMBER OUTREACH: Members of the community who are looking to join or volunteer with an organization will have a much easier time finding the groups or organizations that match their goals. They can send an email inquiry at the touch of a key or download a copy of the organization’s vision statement, phone contacts or meeting schedule.
5) EMERGENCY RESPONSE NETWORK: Activist San Diego arose in response to the real need for a rapid way for activist to respond. We needed a central place to look for the latest news and information updates and to inform others about the actions. The calendar is an ideal communicator for many of these needs, when phonebankers are not available. Now all progressives will know where to look when a crisis arises making us a much more effective community and group of organizers.
Join Us!
Get Involved, Volunteer, Become an activist member, build communities of resistance or be an INTERN.
Activist San Diego has many volunteer and internship opportunities. Take a look at the committee descriptions below and send an email to
to get started today.
Radio Committee
General Meeting Committee
Activist San Diego is an organization that promotes and facilitates the development of an active, inter-related, progressive community in San Diego. One of the main ways we do this is with our monthly general meeting. Our general meeting is designed to provide a space for San Diego’s many local social justice organizations to educate, reach out to, and organize people looking to create positive change in their world. This committee is responsible for planning the general meeting.
Tech Committee
We’re responsible for the web site and newsletter. If you know something about the web, graphic design, or social media, we want you! Get involved in the tech committee!
Interested In Getting Involved With Other Activist Organizations in San Diego?
Check out the Activist Directory.

Your donations build community. ASD distributes an email newsletter with the latest actions & events in San Diego’s Progressive CommUNITY. We also have a community calendar on our home page for public viewing. Help us to progress with our Community FM Radio, CommUNITY meetings and upcoming Activism Training Series to educate and empower our community.
$24.00 Basic Membership (Voting rights)
$36.00 Activist Member (Voting)
$48.00 Activist Core Member (Voting)
$60.00 Activist Sustaining Member (Voting)
$100.00 Activist Founding Member (Voting)
$200.00 Activist Hero (Voting)
…or make a reccurring Subscription Payment of any amount that will help sustain our projects!